

IV: Student Activities
Erik Lichtenberg with shoulder length hair, glasses, and a hiking backpack standing with Vera Aronow wearing a plaid robe and Rick Valelly wearing a striped robe and looking down into a book open in his hands. Production still for the short movie "Railroad Apartment," written and directed by Frank Gruber and set in Gruber's apartment on Hyde Park Boulevard. The plot, a love triangle set over three days, was performed by Vera Aronow, Erik Lichtenberg and Rick Valelly.The film was silent and shot in black and white with a musical score recorded by Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM) musicians Steve McCall and Fred Hopkins.
Railroad Apartment (motion picture) | Film stills | Lichtenberg, Erik | Aronow, Vera | Valelly, Rick | Actors
Gruber, Frank
JPEG; 10.4 MB
Hyde Park (Chicago, Ill.)
Frank Gruber. Photographs
University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center

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